therapist explains autism info for parents

Autism Info for Parents

Many parents feel terrified about the increasing number of diagnosed autism cases. But there is no reason to feel lost. Here is some important autism info for parents, including information on autism behavioral analysis and other therapy programs. This information can help you understand autism spectrum disordered and find appropriate autism treatment centers. Autism Info…

child participates in a screening for autism

Screening for Autism

Screening for autism involves a series of tests and analyses performed by your children’s health care provider. From the M-CHAT test to autism behavioral analysis, find out below how pediatricians determine if your child has autism, and find the right autism spectrum disorder treatment today. Screening for Autism Your pediatrician starts screening for autism the…

therapist helps child with high functioning autism

High Functioning Autism

The terms high functioning autism, autism spectrum disorder, and autism behavioral analysis are often misunderstood. You may know someone with autism. Or you may face autism in your own family or children. And given the rapid increase in autism cases, it is important to further your understanding of these terms. What Does ‘High Functioning Autism’…

therapist explains autism treatment options

Autism Treatment Options

No matter how old you were when you were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there are a variety of autism treatment options that can help. People of any age or at any level of ability can experience benefits from therapy and treatment. So whether you choose autism behavioral analysis, telehealth treatment for autism, family…

child with down syndrome plays at school

Autism vs. Down Syndrome

What is autism vs. down syndrome? Down syndrome (DS or DNS) and autism are developmental conditions that can be permanent. The two are distinct ailments with different symptoms, causes, manifestations, treatments, and medications. For instance, autism behavioral analysis can be the first step towards autism treatment, but therapy for down syndrome usually begins with early…

therapist works with child on the autism spectrum disorder

What is the Autism CARES Act?

The 2019 Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act reproves and increases the benefits first presented in the 2006’s Combating Autism Act. The Autism CARES Act guarantees financial support for research activities in areas such as autism behavioral analysis, prevalence tracking, service provision, and other autism treatment resources for parents provided by federal…

doctor leads child in aba therapy program

Benefits of ABA Therapy

What are the benefits of ABA therapy? Applied behavior analysis (ABA) has shown excellent results in helping a wide range of children battling autism to cope with the condition. Children with ASD have varied life experiences. The autism behavioral analysis at an autism spectrum disorder treatment center affords each child the required customized evaluation and…

clinician explains the levels of autism

Levels of Autism

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5) notes that there are different levels of autism. According to autism behavioral analysis, autism refers to a developmental disorder whose occurrence causes behavioral and social problems and affects communication skills. Statistics from the CDC reveal that for every 59 children born, one is on the autism…